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Assigns Material Property

The dynamic properties can be enter manually or calculated automatically:

  • Density (N/m3): (Required for the dynamic analysis) Total unit weight. if not known can be derived from the value of the speed Vp
  • Vp (m/s): the speed of compression waves if not known can be derived from the value of the speed Vs and the Poisson coefficient
  • Vs (m/s): the speed of the shear wave if not known can be derived from the value of the dynamic shear modulus and the weight of the volume
  • Shear Modulus (N/m2): (Required for the dynamic analysis) Shear modulus for first iteration. The value can be entered manually or automatically calculated.
  • Poisson (-): (Required for the dynamic analysis) Poisson's ratio. If it is not known it can be derived from the value of the speed of the shear wave and the speed of the compression waves
  • Damping (%): (Required for the dynamic analysis) Initial fraction of critical damping. The factor cannot be null.
  • Young Modulus (N/m2): or Elasticity if not known can be derived from the value of the speed of compression waves, by the weight of the dynamic volume and the Poisson

It is possible to calculate the shear modulus for each element according to the desired function or to use the functions set.

  • Saxena e Reddy (1989)
  • Chung (1984)
  • Hardin (1978)
  • Yu e Richart (1984)
  • Jamiolkowski (1995)
  • Hardin e Black (1968)
  • Iwasaki e Tatsuoka (1977)
  • Kokusho e Essashi (1981)
  • Acar e El-Tahir (1986)